Nursing Home Complaint Center Now Urges ER Doctors to Tell the Family of a Patient Recently Transferred from A Nursing Home If Their Loved Is Now Dying or Dead Because Of Negligence
WASHINGTON, DC, August 23, 2017 /24-7PressRelease/ — The Nursing Home Complaint Center is now urging an emergency room doctor to explain to the family of a nursing home patient who is now in a hospital’s ER that negligence could be involved if their patient has severe medical issues because of low quality care at the nursing home. As they would like to explain to an ER doctor-most family members of nursing home patients do not realize that some medical conditions could have been prevented if the nursing home staff had properly been caring for their patients. These medical conditions include:
* Bed Sores
* Decubitus Ulcers
* Malnutrition and Dehydration
* Medication Errors,
* Falls with Serious Injuries
* Sepsis
The Nursing Home Complaint Center says, “We are expanding the scope of our initiative to protect nursing home patients because few others are. Aside from sepsis we are now extremely interested in hearing from the family of a nursing home patient if they have bed sores, if their loved one dehydrated, if they have broken bones, or if they are suffering from malnutrition. As we would like to explain anytime at 866-714-6466 these types of medical conditions can prematurely kill your loved one. http://
“The reason we are reaching out to ER doctors is because they typically will know the difference between poor medical care that resulted in an injury or something more explainable. If your mom or dad is a patient in a nursing home and you just received the news your loved one has been rushed to a hospital ER-please ask to speak to the attending physician and ask them if your parents condition is because of negligence at the nursing home. There should be no excuse for substandard care at a nursing home as we would like to discuss anytime.”
The Nursing Home Complaint Center believes that nursing home short staffing is one of the leading causes of a nursing home’s patient getting sepsis, severe injuries or for wrongful deaths. If a nursing home is not properly staffed it probably is impossible for the facility to maintain their patients. A short-staffed nursing home can literally be in any US State such as California, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Washington, or Alaska as the Nursing Home Complaint Center would like to discuss anytime at 800-714-0303. http://
If a family member has recently died because of sepsis or severe injuries that developed or occurred at a nursing home please call the Nursing Home Complaint Center anytime at 866-714-6466. If the information about what happened is adequate the group will try to get skilled attorneys involved to assist the family obtain compensation for their loss. http://

Nursing Home Complaint Center Now Urges the Family of a Victim of Sepsis or Severe Abuse at A Nursing Home to Call About Compensation for The Potential Wrong Done to Their Loved One
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The Nursing Home Complaint Center is calling upon the family of a victim of sepsis, septic shock, broken bones or severe physical abuse to call them anytime at 866-714-6466 if these potentially-life threatening injuries occurred at a nursing home. The group believes preventable sepsis, septic shock, unnecessary broken bones, and even vicious assaults happen to nursing-home patients and the family members of the are rarely told the truth or the facts that caused the injury in the first place. Typically, a family of a nursing home patient learns about a potentially fatal sepsis infection or a severe injury from a hospital ER physician-not the nursing home.
The Nursing Home Complaint Center is urging the family members of a nursing home patient with sepsis or severe abuse to not waste their time trying to call the state or local government agencies, because in most instances these-taxpayer funded agencies don’t care or these types of situations are not in the government agencies job description.
“If your loved one who was at a nursing home is now in a hospital ICU because of sepsis or severe abuse involving broken bones or a physical assault please call us at the Nursing Home Complaint Center at 866-714-6466. At a minimum, we will try to get attorneys involved so the family hopefully can get compensated for the potential wrongdoing. http://
The types of severe injuries the Nursing Home Complaint Center is focused on:
- A sepsis infection that originated at a nursing home that resulted in a loved one’s death. The death certificate should include sepsis as the cause of death or one of the contributing causes of death.
- Broken bones that resulted when a nursing home patient had a severe fall. Broken bones should not happen at a nursing home.
- A severe beating or assault where the nursing home patient is now being treated at a hospital by medical doctors who can confirm the injuries were a result of some type of physical assault.
The Nursing Home Complaint Center believes that nursing home short staffing is one of the leading causes of a nursing home’s patient getting sepsis, severe injuries or for wrongful deaths. If a nursing home is not properly staffed it probably is impossible for the facility to maintain their patients. A short-staffed nursing home can literally be in any US State such as California, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Massa
If a family member has recently died because of sepsis or severe injuries that developed or occurred at a nursing home please call the Nursing Home Complaint Center anytime at 866-714-6466. If the information about what happened is adequate the group will try to get lawyers involved to assist the family obtain compensation for their loss. http://
For more information about nursing homes in the United States please refer to the CDC’s website:https://www.cdc.gov/

Nursing Home Complaint Center Now Urges the Family Members of Nursing Home Patients Nationwide With Recently Diagnosed Sepsis to Call About Possible Compensation
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The Nursing Home Complaint Center says, “We are urging the family of a person who had been receiving care at a nursing home to call is anytime at 866-714-6466 if their loved one is now in a hospital ICU with a confirmed diagnosis of sepsis. In many to most instances sepsis or septic shock should have never happened if a patient was being properly cared for at a nursing home. Sepsis, or septic shock probably means your family member was not being cleaned up at a nursing home, and or the nursing home waited too long to call a medical doctor for treatment of an infection. If your loved one has recently died from sepsis after being in a nursing home please call us about potential compensation.
“Can you imagine your loved one in a nursing home lying in urine soaked clothing, or soiled clothing for hours, or even a day? We fear this is happening to literally thousands of US nursing home patients each day, and if lack of treatment is not properly addressed-the loved one, someone’s Mom, or Dad will die from sepsis as we would like to explain anytime at 866-714-646. The reason we are so passionate about compensation for the family of a deceased victim of sepsis is because improper care at a nursing home is- you do not get your Mom or Dad back after they die from sepsis.” http://
What is sepsis? Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death. In other words, it’s your body’s over active and toxic response to an infection.
General Information About Residents in US Nursing Homes from the Nursing Home Complaint Center
- Institutionalization is much more common at older ages; in 2010, about one in eight people age 85 or older (13 percent) resided in institutions, compared with 1 percent of people ages 65 to 74.
- In 2012, there were 1.4 million people in nursing homes nationally.
- Between 2002 and 2012, private-pay prices for a private or semiprivate room in a nursing home grew by an average of 4.0 percent and 4.5 percent, respectively, per year.
- Of the population aged 65 and over in 1999, 52% of the nursing home population was aged 85 or older compared to 35% aged 75–84, and 13% aged 65–74.
- Between 1985 and 1999 the number of adults 65 and older living in nursing homes increased from 1.3 million to 1.5 million. In 1999, almost three-quarters (1.1 million) of these older residents were women.
- There are approximately 15,600 nursing homes in the United States.
The Nursing Home Complaint Center believes that nursing home short staffing is one of the leading causes of sepsis or wrongful deaths in US nursing homes. If a nursing home is not properly staffed it probably is impossible for the facility to maintain their patients. A short-staffed nursing home can literally be in any US State such as California, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Texas,
For attribution please refer to the CDC’s website on US nursing homes:https://www.cdc.gov/